Emotional wellbeing is just as important as physical health. At any one time you may move from feeling healthy to feelingunwell. Many children move along this spectrum at different times.
Below you will find resources and web links to support you with various topics which could be affecting your Mental Wellbeing. For further information or guidance please speak to your/your son/daughters Pastoral Lead using contact links above.
Anger MoodJuice Self Help Guide
Please find below information about the NSPCCs “Building Connections” support service for young people (up to the age of 19), with the aim of supporting young people who are experiencing loneliness. The service is free and referrals should be made by a professional. Building Connections | Support service for young people | NSPCC Learning
Who is Building Connections for?
Building Connections is for young people up to the age of 19 at the time of referral, who are experiencing loneliness.
There are many reasons a young person may experience loneliness. When you make a referral, we assess whether Building Connections provides the support the young person needs.
Types of issues Building Connections can help with
- Transitional periods – such as moving to a new school or area.
- Emotional health – including stress, lower self-esteem, social anxiety, low mood or social isolation.
- Friendship issues and bullying – for example struggling to make friends or maintain relationships with peers, feeling a lack of connection with the people they view as friends or experiencing bullying or cyberbullying.
- Sense of otherness – the young person may experience a sense of ‘otherness’ due to how peers have reacted to their sexual or gender identity, race, religion or other protected characteristics.
Anxiety and Anxiety Disorders | Signs and symptoms | YoungMinds
Anxiety - Help & Advice | NELFT NHS Foundation Trust
How to manage anxiety and fear | Mental Health Foundation
Resource - How to manage anxiety and fear
If you are experiencing anxiety, stress, worry or low mood. Try the coping with overwhelming emotions guide.
Anxiety Parent and Carer Guidance
Children and Young People with anxiety - A guide for Parents and Carers
Anxiety - Moodjuice Help Guide
Shyness and Social Anxiety - Moodjuice Help Guide
Winston's Wish offer grief support for young people:

Grief support for young people
If you’re a grieving young person aged 25 or under, we’re here to help with information, on-demand services, bereavement support and counselling.
Chat online between 3-8pm weekdays by clicking on 'Chat with us'.
Call for free on 08088 020 021 between 8am-8pm, weekdays.
If it's urgent, text WW to 85258 to speak with someone.
Dorset Open Door:
Call: 01305 361 361 or email dhc.dorsetopendoor@nhs.net
Dorset based charity supporting bereaved children and young people and their families.
Call: 01258 837071
Cruse Bereavement Support:
Call the helpline on 0808 808 1677
National Bullying Helpline
Anti-Bullying Alliance
Anti Bullying Resources - The Diana Award
No-one has the right to make you feel bad or unsafe, and no-one deserves to be bullied.
Bullying is anything that others do to you Several Times on Purpose and which makes you feel upset, scared, or hurt.
Peer on peer abuse covers many different areas such as cyberbullying, physical abuse, sexting, hazing type violence/rituals. This is when one child abuses another.
Bullying and peer on peer abuse can happen in and out of school, and teachers and other adults who work with children and young people have a duty to take action to look after you – this includes both your emotional health and physical safety.
Please don’t suffer in silence – try to find someone you trust who you can talk to about it – a friend or a trusted adult can only really know how things are for you, and then help you work out what you want to happen, if you talk to them.
If you aren’t ready to talk to someone you know, you can always call Childline 24 hrs a day 7 days a week on 0800 1111
Click here for more information
Your Year Team is available for you to talk to, they are located in the Pastoral Office, Block A. If you feel more comfortable you can email your Year Team and explain your concerns.
Teenagers coping with Domestic Abuse Resource
MoodJuice Self Help Guide - Depression
Talk to FRANK for facts, support and advice on drugs and alcohol.
Text: 82111
Email: https://www.talktofrank.com/contact
If you or someone needs urgent help after taking drugs or drink, call 999 for an ambulance.
Eating disorders
Eating disorders are serious illnesses. You can learn about the sings to look for in yourself or someone else on BEAT Eating disorders. The national helpline encourages people to get help quickly. You can contact them online or by phone 365 days a year.
The Beat Youthline is open to anyone under 18.
Youthline: 0808 801 0711
Email: fyp@beateatingdisorders.org.uk
Exam Stress
Resilience in Exam Season Resource
DMHST - Ultimate Revsion Guide
The Spaced Youth Project supports young people who are or may be LGBT+
Contact Us | Space Youth Project
OCD Youth aims to support anyone under 25 affected by OCD.
Email: youthhelpline@ocdaction.org.uk
Website: https://ocdyouth.org/
Online Safety
If you share an image of yourself online by photo, text or video, via your phone, tablet or computer always think first,
“Would I be ok with anyone and everyone seeing this?”
Any image of yourself that you send, can and might be shared by the person you sent it to. Once you press send, it is no longer in your control.
If you share a ‘nude’ or ‘underwear shot’ even with someone you trust, you are not able to control who they forward it to or where they save it. It can be sent on to anyone or posted anywhere on the internet. It could end up on social networking sites or even porn sites.
You should never feel pressured to send an image of yourself to anyone. Think about why someone would want you to do this. Once they have your image, they have it forever and could even use it against you.
Did you know?
Being involved in sending explicit pictures, where the person in the picture is under the age of 18, can be a criminal offence. This could lead to you getting into trouble with the police, affect your chances of getting a job and even limit the countries that you can travel to.
If someone is forcing you to send an inappropriate image of yourself, you should report him or her to the Police by calling 101.
Download ChildLine’s free Zipit app for loads of great comebacks if someone is trying to get you to send them a sexual image.
Before you share a photo of yourself always:
“Think before you send” Do not send anything you would not want your parents, teachers, friends or future employers to see!
Useful Links for Online Safety:
Net Aware: https://www.net-aware.org.uk/
Think U Know: https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/
CEOP: https://www.ceop.police.uk/safety-centr
Childline: https://www.childline.org.uk/
Self Harm
There are many different ways in which young people self-harm, but all forms of self-harm are used as a way of managing difficult or distressing feelings or experiences. Self-harm can be a way of coping for lots of different people in society – young or old, so it’s not just young people who self-harm.
If you are struggling with difficult thoughts, feelings or experiences and using self-harm as a way of dealing with them, there is a strong possibility that you are not the only one in your class or circle of friends.
Self-harm is way of coping with difficult and distressing feelings. It can include anything that you do that causes you an injury or harms you in some way. Sometimes it might be called self-injury.
Self-harm | Advice for young people | Get help | YoungMinds
Information for 11-18 year olds on coping with self-harm - Mind
Understanding Child Self-Harm & Keep Them Safe | NSPCC
Sexual Health Service
Chat Sexual Health Service helps young people with all kinds of things, including relationships worries and consent. The service is confidential and easy to use, just send a text to the number below.

Chat Sexual Health Dorset - Sexual Health Dorset
Lets Chat Sexual Health (vimeo.com)
For a checklist on Healthy Relationships, please click here.
Moodjuide - Selfhelp Guide to Sleep
Useful services & helplines
If you think that you would like to talk to someone about your self-harm and what else might be going on in your life that you are finding difficult, there are lots of different people who can help.
Childline – Free and confidential helpline for children and young people
Tel: 0800 11 11
You can call our experienced counsellors whenever you need to on 0808 800 5000. They’re used to dealing with the effects of self-harm and your call can be made anonymously.
HopeLineUK – a specialist helpline staffed by trained professionals who give non-judgemental support, practical advice and information to:
- Children, teenagers and young people up to the age of 35 who are worried about themselves
- Anyone who is concerned about a young person
Tel: 0800 068 41 41
Samaritans – https://www.samaritans.org/how-we-can-help-you/contact-us?gclid=EAIaIQobChMItu2I2Oiw3wIVrL3tCh256g4EEAAYASAAEgKYD_D_BwE
HopeLineUK 0800 068 41 41
This helpline is run by Papyrus, a national charity set up to prevent suicide amongst young people and young adults