Please click here for our Careers Framework.
Every student is entitled to impartial careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG). Please also see our CEIAG policy click here. At United Learning we recognise that providing our students with the right opportunities will increase their aspirations and ensure they are ready for the world of work.
Students will leave Avonbourne Boys’ and Girls’ Academies and United Sixth Form having had contact with high-quality and impartial information and guidance. This will enable them to get the most out of their learning and to enable successful progression to further education or training and to have a clearer focus on their career goals.
Management of Provider Access requests
A provider wishing to request access should contact Charlotte Larrington-Vandy, Assistant Principal or Hilary Pether, Careers Advisor, on 01202 398451 or email
If you’d like more information about our Careers Programme or to speak to one of the team directly, please contact the following:
Charlotte Larrington-Vandy, Assistant Principal and Careers Lead
Hilary Pether, Careers Advisor